Three companies nominated for 2nd tender round of Rail Baltica mainline in Latvia
Posted: 3 October 2022 | Elliot Robinson (Editorial Assistant - Global Railway Review) | No comments yet
Companies from Italy, France, and Spain have been nominated for the 2nd round of construction supervision services for the Rail Baltica main line.

Credit: Rail Baltica
Three companies from Italy, France, and Spain have been nominated for the second round of engineering consultancy and construction supervision services for the Rail Baltica main line in Latvia.
The companies which met the legal and qualification requirements set out in the procurement were Italferr S.p.A. (Italy), SYSTRA S.A. (France) and the association of persons consisting of Tecnica y Proyectos S.A. and PROINTEC S .A.U. (Spain). Work on the preparation of the documentation for the second round of the procurement is currently underway, and the tenderers will be obliged to submit their financial and technical proposals in this round.
“The tender for construction supervision services is being held in parallel with the largest procurement for the construction of a railway line in Latvia,” Kaspars Vingris, Chairman of the Board of Eiropas Dzelzceļa līnijas, said. “Both tenders, construction of mainline and its supervision, are taking place with the aim to start the construction works of the main railway line outside Riga in 2023. For us as a client, it is essential to establish a competent and experienced construction and supervision team to carry out construction works in compliance with the highest Rail Baltica safety, operational, environmental accessibility, and sustainability requirements. We are happy to see that like our other tenders of Rail Baltica implementation, companies with world-class experience have applied for participation in this tender. The involvement of internationally experienced contractors and engineers gives growth and transfer of knowledge to the Latvian construction sector.”
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The engineering consultant and construction supervision service provider of the Rail Baltica main line construction works in Latvia will be obliged to provide supervision of construction of Rail Baltica railway main line outside the Riga city limits – railway base and superstructure – spanning more than 200km, including site preparation, embankments, construction of railway bridges, roads and overpasses, utility relocation and track construction, as well as contract management and compliance control. Given the scale of the project and the complexity of works, and applying best practice of European countries, construction supervision and contract management will be carried out by the so-called FIDIC Engineer in accordance with the FIDIC White Book. The contract with the successful tenderer is expected to be concluded at the end of 2022.
Funding of this project in the amount of 81–85 per cent is provided by the Connecting Europe Facility, whereas the remaining part, by the budgets of the three Baltic States.
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Funding & Finance, Infrastructure Developments, Regulation & Legislation, Track Construction
Related organisations
Eiropas Dzelzceļa līnijas, FIDIC, Italferr, Prointec, Rail Baltica/RB Rail AS, Systra, Tecnica y Proyectos