EU-Rail to showcase rail research and innovation at InnoTrans 2022
Posted: 13 September 2022 | Elliot Robinson (Editorial Assistant - Global Railway Review) | No comments yet
At InnoTrans 2022, EU-Rail will showcase more than 20 live and permanent demonstrations on results that are expected to shape the future of rail.

At InnoTrans 2022, Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail) – together with its founding members and partners – will showcase innovative rail solutions of the Shift2Rail Programme and present the new Joint Undertaking on rail research and innovation (launched formally in Paris on 21 February 2022).
During the event, EU-Rail will showcase more than 20 live and permanent demonstrations on results that are expected to shape the future of rail. To put all these innovations in the spotlight, the Catalogue of Solutions 2022 Edition will be launched, which brings together the innovative solutions and approaches delivered by the Shift2Rail projects to transform the rail systems. The Catalogue provides a much more in-depth timeline for market deployment and will be launched in the presence of the European Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean on 20 September at the EU-Rail stand, number 511 in Hall 27.
High-level sessions
A number of EU-Rail planned activities will take place throughout the event; in the context of the European DAC Delivery Programme the high-level session titled Digital Automatic Coupling – Transforming Europe’s Rail Freight, will be one of them. It is an opportunity to discuss the benefits of the DAC solution and how to best prepare for its roll-out, including the societal impact and investment scenarios. The event will take place on 21 September at the Speakers’ Corner in Hall 27. High level participation is expected, including the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, representatives from the European Commission and the rail freight sector.
EU-Rail has also organised a VIP Tour of its stand in the presence of the Director-General for Mobility and Transport at the European Commission, Henrik Hololei. During his visit the Director-General will experience several live demonstrations including testing an A&V tool on noise abatement, observing the exoskeleton for back assistance in action, and testing the EU-Rail Travel Companion app that gives travellers full control of their journey, including booking and ticketing.
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EU-Rail has always supported initiatives that seek to improve gender balance in the railway sector. Back in 2018, the first edition of the ‘Women in Rail Research & Innovation Award’ was announced. This time EU-Rail is bringing the Women in Rail Award winners to InnoTrans at the Women in Mobility Luncheon on 21 September at CityCube, Hall B, Booth 215. The event will be an opportunity to connect female role models to enhance visibility, and consequently foster innovation through diversity. It will bring together women leaders who influence the transport and mobility sector through their specialist knowledge and leadership skills.
“This year, InnoTrans for EU-Rail means to share the transition to an ambitious delivery-oriented Programme: building on Shift2Rail, investing in rail research and innovation means investing in solutions that answer the demand for a future sustainable and resilient transport and mobility, in a systemic approach, for people and supply chain,” Carlo Borghini, Executive Director at EU-Rail, said. “It is not an end to itself; it is contributing to Europe being capable to reach climate targets and growing demand in transport, integrating the services provided today by less sustainable solutions by the end of the Twenties”
Related topics
Cargo, Freight & Heavy-Haul, Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC), Digitalisation, InnoTrans, InnoTrans 2022, Operational Performance, Women in Rail
Related organisations
European Commission (EC), Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail), German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, InnoTrans