Norfolk Southern to improve access to transload facilities with Commtrex
Posted: 8 April 2022 | Elliot Robinson (Editorial Assistant - Global Railway Review) | No comments yet
The partnership with Commtrex will help transload customers to easily identify facilities served by Norfolk Southern, increasing access to shipping by rail.

Credit: Norfolk Southern
Norfolk Southern Corporation is partnering with Commtrex to enhance the access and visibility of rail-accessible transload facilities on the company’s network. Customers shipping with Norfolk Southern will be able to search Commtrex’s comprehensive database for rail-served facilities by location, commodities handled, and other parameters.
“This partnership is impactful and enables transload customers to easily identify facilities served by Norfolk Southern, increasing access to shipping by rail, the most sustainable way to move freight over land,” Leggett Kitchin, Vice President Industrial Products at Norfolk Southern, said. “The technology also enhances the quality of data available to customers so they can accurately identify connecting points between our shipping network and transload partners.”
The Commtrex platform also helps streamline communications. It allows customers to identify Norfolk Southern’s 32 transload facilities in the database by their required parameters. The Norfolk Southern service area includes 22 states and the District of Columbia. It connects customers to every major container port in the eastern United States and a majority of the U.S. population and manufacturing base.
“Transloading is becoming an increasingly critical component in the need for supply chain flexibility,” Martin Lew, Chief Executive Officer of Commtrex, said. “Close to one-third of the 2,500 Commtrex members are rail-served shippers, and Commtrex empowers them to effectively identify and connect with transloaders across North America. There is no other platform that can connect shippers with Class I’s, short line railroads, transloaders, terminals, and ports, and Norfolk Southern’s partnership with Commtrex will provide shippers with a best-in-class customer experience.”
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