Stadler to manufacture diesel-electric locomotives for Uruguay
Posted: 15 December 2020 | Global Railway Review | No comments yet
Marking its first order in Uruguay, Stadler has signed a contract with PORTREN SA to supply seven EURO4001 locomotives with deliveries expected to start by the end of 2022.

Credit: Stadler
PORTREN SA, a company owned by the Uruguayan logistics group Christophersen and the Spanish company, Cointer Concesiones, has commissioned Stadler to supply and deliver seven EURO4001 diesel-electric locomotives, making this Stadler’s first contract in Uruguay.
Deliveries are expected to start by the end of 2022 and the locomotives will be designed and manufactured at its plant in Valencia, Spain.
This contract signing follows the announcement in mid-October 2020 that UPM had selected the consortium comprising Cointer Concesiones (a subsidiary of local logistics group, AZVI) and Christophersen, along with Deutsche Bahn International Operations, to operate and maintain freight trains between the new pulp mill at Paso de los Toros and the port of Montevideo.
The new vehicles will make the trips from the new factory to the port, a 273km route known as Ferrocarril Central. Each convoy, which will be approximately 475,-long, made up of one locomotive and 26 wagons carrying wood pulp. On the return journey, vehicles will transport the chemicals and fuel required to produce cellulose.
Iñigo Parra, CEO of Stadler Valencia, said: “Thanks to this cutting-edge technology, locomotive rail operators will be able to secure sustainable and profitable rail freight services. Drivers will enjoy a comfortable working environment and lineside neighbours will appreciate the reduced noise and emission levels. We are convinced that our vehicles will contribute to promoting rail transport in Uruguay, as we are already seeing in other South American countries.”
Specially adapted for freight service, EURO4001 locomotives boast high levels of performance and reliability. Co’Co’ locomotives are state-of-the-art and enable goods to be transport efficiently and sustainably. Fitted with a powerful 2800 kW and low-emissions diesel engines, they meet EU emissions standard, EC 26/2004 Stage V. The latest bogie technology and efficient asynchronous traction motors help reduce wear and tear on the infrastructure, as well as cut noise pollution. To enhance driver comfort, they feature two acoustic and heat-insulated driver’s cabs, which have been designed in accordance with the latest ergonomic and safety standards.
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