Bombardier helps to expand ERTMS technology in Norway
Posted: 2 December 2011 | | No comments yet
Bombardier is playing an important role in a planned resignalling programme to implement Norway’s ERTMS Level 2…

Bombardier Transportation is playing an important role in a planned resignalling programme to implement Norway’s European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) Level 2. On the Østfoldbanen Østre Linje, Bombardier will deliver a first implementation, its BOMBARDIER INTERFLO 450 ERTMS Level 2 rail control solution. This is an important pilot for the programme, which aims to replace the country’s current aging rail control technology with the common European standard to ensure the most modern system for Norway.
Once in full operation, the upgraded line stretching from Ski to Sarpsborg in the south east of Norway will cover 80 km, seven stations and 16 level crossings. A strategy for further implementation of ERTMS is expected to be part of the next National Transport Plan for the years 2014 to 2023.
A leading provider of ERTMS solutions/technology for the Nordic Region, Bombardier has extensive framework agreements in place for the roll-out of wayside and onboard solutions in Sweden and onboard technology in Norway. Recent milestones include operation of the first high speed Level 2-equipped line in Sweden – the Botniabanan equipped with the INTERFLO 450 solution – and the world’s first implementation of Bombardier’s new ERTMS regional application, the INTERFLO 550 solution, delivered on the pilot Västerdalsbanan in Sweden.
Thomas Bimer, Head of Rail Control Solutions, Nordic, Bombardier Transportation said: “Bombardier has a leading position in the ERTMS market and in the Nordic signalling market, particularly with our Rail Control Solutions headquarters located in Stockholm. Our growing presence in the Norwegian market proves our experience in delivering ERTMS systems in this region and around the world.”
Klas Wåhlberg, Bombardier Transportation’s Chief Country Representative for Norway said: “Bombardier has a strong presence in Norway, where we have delivered all high speed trains of NSB, the passenger rail company, and the majority of all electric locomotives, including the latest BOMBARDIER TRAXX for Cargonet in rail freight. Our Services division is also currently rebuilding coaches for NSB. We look forward to continuing our long-standing relationship with our customers and working together on the future development program.”
With a strong presence in the development of ERTMS/ETCS technology, Bombardier’s INTERFLO ERTMS Level 1 and Level 2 solutions are in operation or being delivered across Europe and Asia on more than 2,500 vehicles, 15,000 km of track and in 16 countries. As well as in Sweden and Norway, its systems are implemented on the highest speed ERTMS Level 2-equipped lines in China and are operating in Korea, Taiwan and Spain. Bombardier has also delivered the first ERTMS technology in Algeria and Poland and recently started projects in Croatia and Hungary.