DB Regio survey outlines expected increase in passengers post-COVID-19
Posted: 21 September 2020 | Global Railway Review | No comments yet
Findings of DB Regio’s survey also included that public transport is expected to play a key role in delivering traffic and climate change.

Credit: Deutsche Bahn AG - Georg Wagner
A representative survey conducted by Deutsche Bahn (DB) Regio, with the support of the Association of German Transport Companies, in the run-up to the RegioSignale industry conference has found that local public transport will play a key role in the success of traffic and climate change, even in times of coronavirus.
A majority of the respondents, almost 60 per cent, said that they expect an increase in the number of passengers using public transport after the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. In addition, 64 per cent of 16 to 29-year-olds continue to consider public transport to be a decisive factor in effectively delivering traffic and climate change.
The frequency of the intended public transport use before and after COVID-19 hardly differs. Of those surveyed, 38 per cent want or intend to use public transport at least once a week, as they did before the pandemic. The number of people who use local public transport less than once a week or not at all will even decrease slightly in the future (from 64 to 62 per cent).
CEO of DB Regio, Dr. Jörg Sandvoss, said: “Climate protection is not a seasonal business. The desire for a climate and traffic turnaround through environmentally friendly local transport is firmly anchored – even in these special times. The strengthening of the industry in the corona phase is therefore only consistent.”
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