Colas Rail Morgan Sinsall joint venture selected for new £750m MAFA framework
Posted: 11 August 2011 | | No comments yet
Colas Rail Morgan Sindall JV selected to carry out works to improve rail infrastructure…

The Colas Rail Morgan Sindall joint venture has been selected by Network Rail to carry out works to improve rail infrastructure in one of the five regions that make up the UK rail network under the Enhancements Multi Asset Framework Agreement (MAFA).
The £750 million framework will deliver a range of civils, track and signalling projects for Network Rail. The Colas Rail Morgan Sindall joint venture will deliver all works on the Western route, an area between Paddington, the west of England and South Wales. Running until April 2014, the anticipated turnover for this work is circa £200 million.
This win follows Colas Rail Morgan Sindall joint venture’s initial appointment to Network Rail’s MAFA framework in 2009. The framework is responsible for the management and delivery of infrastructure works including civils, electrification, power signalling, telecommunications and track.
Nigel Claxton, Colas Rail’s projects managing director, said: “To be selected in one of the three major regions is a significant vote of confidence and ensures we can be at the forefront of a new collaborative way of working with Network Rail.”
Jag Paddam, Morgan Sindall’s managing director of Infrastructure, said: “We are delighted to be awarded a place on this significant framework to maintain Network Rail’s infrastructure and meet their objectives. The Colas Rail Morgan Sindall joint venture provides a strong partnership of skills and expertise and looks forward to continuing to work together with Network Rail and the other selected framework contractors.”