
Kapsch chosen as Czech Republic’s GSM-R technology general contractor

Posted: 3 August 2011 | | No comments yet

SŽDC chooses Kapsch to equip the railway route between Ostrava – SR and Přerov – Č. Třebov with GSM-R…

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The Czech infrastructure operator SŽDC placed an order in July 2011 with Kapsch s.r.o. to equip the railway route between Ostrava – SR and Přerov – Č. Třebov with GSM-R. This end-to-end project includes Kapsch CarrierCom AG’s GSM-R technology as well as the complete infrastructure in addition to planning services and the intelligent maintenance system “GSM-R Smart House”, which is a Kapsch s.r.o. product. The order value is approximately EUR 20 million and the project will be completed early 2013 equipping a 230 km route with the latest GSM-R technology.

This project adds a further route to the GSM-R network in the Czech Republic. Currently, 731 km of rail track are equipped with Kapsch CarrierCom’s GMS-R technology in the country. A further 230 km route, which runs between the Slovakian border, Ostrava, Přerov und Česká Třebová, as well as 39 base stations will be added to the network. The project concerns two national railway corridors and these are the partial route Přerov – Č. Třebová, and secondly, the Ostrava – SR route section.

“The GSM-R network in the Czech Republic is being expanded for the third time. Together with our Czech colleagues, we continue to be successful and won the order for this end-to-end project, which confirms our GSM-R expertise. The close collaboration with local infrastructure companies and the Czech operator SŽDC strengthens Kapsch CarrierCom’s ability to innovate. We continuously develop new and customer-specific solutions and can therefore offer innovative technologies to our railway customers,” explains Horst Kaufmann, Kapsch CarrierCom’s Vice President for GSM-R Sales in CEE.