Operation Lifesaver Canada partners with Waze on level crossing safety app
Posted: 1 May 2020 | Global Railway Review | 1 comment
A new tool is available to help Canadian drivers stay safe on the roads around level crossings, thanks to a partnership between Waze and Operation Lifesaver Canada.

Thanks to a partnership between Operation Lifesaver Canada and Waze, Canadian drivers now have a new tool to help them stay safe on the roads. The latest version of the navigation app will now alert drivers when they are approaching a rail level crossing, encouraging them to approach with caution.
Operation Lifesaver (OL) is dedicated to preventing collisions at railway crossings and railway trespassing incidents in Canada. Funded by the Railway Association of Canada and Transport Canada, OL works with the rail industry, governments, law enforcement, labour groups, the media, and other organisations and communities from coast to coast, to increase awareness about rail safety.
Sarah Mayes, National Director of OL Canada, said: “This is a perfect example of organisations collaborating and innovating to save lives. We’re hopeful that when Canadians see a Waze rail crossing alert, they’ll slow down and prepare to stop, obey all railway warning signs and signals, and remember to Look. Listen. Live. before proceeding through any crossing.”
OL hopes that other technology companies will follow Waze’s lead and that further collaboration will help to bring the number of rail crossing-related deaths and injuries in Canada to zero.
Thanks Ms. Sarah Meyer National Director OL Canada, to Remind, Remember, to Look, Listen, Live, before proceeding, thru any crossings. Being subjected to accidents, with respective rail operators struggle to stop the re-occurance. Please information on the App., for trails in Pakistan, in addition to provide the feed back for Rail Level Crossings in Pakistan. Android is common OS on mobile phones here in Pakistan. Should you share the trails of the App., provide you the feed back, may assist in removing the bugs., in the app., for demo.,/evaluation of the app.
I will share feed back after testing with the respective authority/agency here in Pakistan. Thanks