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Safety & Security


Railways face continued growth in passenger ridership numbers and increased demand for rail freight operations. To cope, rail systems must adapt to their changing environment and provide networks that are both safe and secure.


Consultancies help out on major projects

28 December 2008 | By James Abbott, Technical Editor, Global Railway Review

Consultancies are providing expertise that is helping to realise important railway projects in Europe and around the world. Britain’s first high-speed railway line – High Speed 1 – was opened by Queen Elizabeth II with much fanfare on 6 November 2007. High speed Eurostar trains now whisk passengers from the…


ERTMS in 2007

28 December 2008 | By Dan Mandoc, Chargé de Mission – GSM-R, Department of Infrastructure, UIC and Olivier Lévêque, ETCS Senior Advisor, UIC.

ERTMS is the European Rail Traffic Management System – a signalling and train control system promoted by the European Commission for use throughout Europe and specified for compliance with the High Speed and Conventional Interoperability Directives. The system aims to remedy the lack of standardisation in the area of signalling…


A new process for the aluminothermic weld repair of discrete rail surface defects

3 December 2008 | By Professor Andrew McNaughton, Chief Engineer, Network Rail and Global Railway Review Editorial Board Member, Brian Whitney, Head of Rail Management, Network Rail and Ian Banton, Technical Development Manager, Thermit Welding (GB) Ltd.

Isolated rail head defects formed under traffic, detected either by visual inspection or ultrasonic flaw testing, can significantly reduce the service life of rails if not managed correctly. Surface initiated defects account for approximately 50% of all defects removed from Network Rail (NR) Infrastructure. These are predominately made up of…


Comprehensive overhead-line inspection

3 December 2008 | By Uwe Richter, Overhead Contact Line Expert, Eurailscout

How the modern contacting and contactless inspection and analysis of overhead-line systems on normal and high-speed routes are a guarantee of safe railway operation without disturbances.


Smarter safety means smarter business

3 December 2008 | By Anson Jack, Director of Policy, Research and Risk, Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB)

How RSSB’s knowledge, analysis, technical expertise and powerful information and risk management tools deliver a unique mix to the industry across a whole range of subject areas.


Neopul’s dedicated work in Ireland

3 December 2008 | By Paulo Real Oliviera, Project Manager, Neopul

Details of how Neopul is actively working on some important projects in Ireland which include the Laois Traincare Depot, the LUAS Red Cow Rail Diversion and the LUAS B1-400 extension.


ERTMS: offering an end-to-end solution to all transport organisations

3 December 2008 | By Robert Sarfati, Director Consultant at SYSTRA, Chairman of the UIC ERTMS/GSM-R Operators Group and Chairman of ETSI Technical Committee for Rail Telecommunications

GSM-R is the bearer for ERTMS/ETCS, the European Train Control System, gradually introducing a true intelligent traffic management system all over the railway lines in Europe. This global system is now extending to several countries worldwide as a recognised operating system.


‘Vision Zero’ and OLA improved level crossings

27 September 2008 | By Olle Mornell, Project Manager of Safety, Operational Department, Swedish Rail Administration (Banverket) and Helena Höök, Quality Controller & Strategist of Traffic Safety, Department of Operational Management, Swedish Road Administration (Vägverket)

Two severe accidents in 2004 and 2005 brought focus on the dangers of level crossings. According to ‘Vision Zero’, fatalities and severe injuries are not acceptable in the transport system. Since level crossings concern many key players, Banverket took the first steps to cooperation and Vägverket provided the OLA working…


Weld registration and acceptance

27 September 2008 | By Coenraad Esveld, Director of Esveld Consulting Services (ECS), Professor of Railway Engineering, TU Delft and Global Railway Review Editorial Board Member

For a long time now, poor weld geometry has been a major problem for railway infrastructure. Due to geometrical imperfections, high dynamic loads could be generated during wheel passage. The only way to control the geometrical quality in an effective way, is by measuring and documenting every weld with an…


The clue to an ETCS-only access

1 August 2008 | By Jan Richard, Business Unit ‘Train Control Systems’, SBB

Today, railway networks and their infrastructure managers, as well as the railway undertakings, are facing the crucial challenge of migrating their signalling and train control systems towards the common European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS), while perhaps also maintaining conventional and mixed traffic operations. The basic concept of ERTMS, namely…


High levels of mechanisation in Swiss track maintenance

1 August 2008 | By James Abbott, Technical Editor

SBB is minimising the amount of time track is tied up with maintenance, by automating inspection systems and adopting standard components that can be installed rapidly. Global Railway Review’s Technical Editor, James Abbott, talks to Daniel Wyder, SBB’s Head of Asset Management for Track.


Under Sleeper Pads: improving track quality while reducing operational costs

1 August 2008 | By Harald Loy, System Engineer, Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH

More traffic, increasing axle loads and higher speeds are just some of the ongoing technical and economic challenges railway operators and track managers around the world are faced with today. Under Sleeper Pads (USP) have been proven to extend the service life of the track superstructure and help to reduce…


Rail safety initiatives on the right track

1 August 2008 | By Mr. Julian Lindfield, Director of Safety & Compliance, Network Rail

As Network Rail carries out its ambitious plans for Britain’s growing railway, keeping the railway safe remains one of the top priorities. Indeed, there is no other form of transport safer than rail and Network Rail is determined to maintain this record – not only for passengers, but for the…


Setting rolling stock technical and safety standards

1 August 2008 | By Craig Waters, Commissioning Editor, Global Railway Review

Fire safety and risk assessment of rolling stock is an important aspect of our industry. To gauge an understanding of what requirements are involved and to assess what the future holds, we put four questions to the train operating company First Capital Connect, and to the notified body and railway…


Continuous Nordic rail development

1 August 2008 | By Craig Waters, Commissioning Editor, Global Railway Review

A round-up of the Nordic Rail Infrastructure conference, organised by Global Railway Review, which took place at the Marriot Hotel in Copenhagen, Denmark on 16 and 17 June 2008.