Rail freight – a bright future
15 May 2009 | By Lord Tony Berkeley, Chairman, Rail Freight Group
Lord Tony Berkeley, Chairman of Rail Freight Group, explains why rail freight in the United Kingdom has such a bright future.
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Rail freight is incredibly important. Whether it is helping to remove lorries off the roads and drastically reducing congestion, or transporting goods that we consume every day, all countries rely on rail freight to provide a faster, greener, safer and more efficient way of transporting goods than via road or air.
Our rail freight content focuses on the biggest trends and developments in helping advance cargo movement by rail and create a modal shift.
15 May 2009 | By Lord Tony Berkeley, Chairman, Rail Freight Group
Lord Tony Berkeley, Chairman of Rail Freight Group, explains why rail freight in the United Kingdom has such a bright future.
26 March 2009 | By Gaston Zens, Fleet Manager, CFL cargo
Gaston Zens, Fleet Manager at CFL cargo, describes CFL's pan-European freight operations.
23 January 2009 | By James Abbott, Technical Editor, Global Railway Review
In an interview for Global Railway Review, Mr. Geert Pauwels, Coordinator of SNCB’s Freight Group, discusses how operations are being split from commercial responsibilities.
23 January 2009 | By Camiel Eurlings, Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, the Netherlands
Camiel Eurlings, Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management in the Netherlands, explains his vision of freight transport by rail in Europe.
23 January 2009 | By Tomas Schara, Director General, Slovenian Railways
Tomas Schara, Director General, Slovenian Railways describes his role The Strategic Group Plan in the future of a liberalised railway transport market.
23 January 2009 | By Lucien Lux, Minister of Transport, Luxembourg
Luxembourg's Minister of Transport, Lucien Lux, describes how recent statistics show how public railway transport in Luxembourg is going from strength to strength.
3 December 2008 | By Graham Smith, Planning Director, DB Schenker
EWS, the British rail freight operator, is soon to start trading under the name of DB Schenker. Who? DB Schenker might be a new name to the rail market in Britain, but throughout the mainland European rail network it is a major global logistics player. DB Schenker is number one…
3 December 2008 | By Jean Faussurier, Head of European and International Affairs Department and Head of Strategic Affairs Department, Réseau Ferré de France (RFF)
Facilitating and encouraging the use of goods trains in Europe is one of the objectives regularly repeated by the European Commission. The situation has never been as favourable to rail transport as it is today yet it is still struggling to outclass road transport in market shares. The Corridor concept…
1 August 2008 | By Dr. Dirk Stahl, CEO, BLS Cargo AS
With the new Lötschberg Base Tunnel as an established business model and an investment in 10 new multi-system locomotives, BLS Cargo is preparing for future growth. Dr. Dirk Stahl, CEO, looks at the prospects for the company in 2008 and beyond.
1 August 2008 | By Vincenzo Soprano, Chief Executive Officer, Trenitalia
Vincenzo Soprano is Chief Executive Officer of Trenitalia – the Italian Railway Transport company, and wholly owned subsidiary of Ferrovie dello Stato SpA since September 2006. Speaking for Global Railway Review, Mr. Soprano describes the situation of Trenitalia and general railway transport in Italy.
1 August 2008 | By Craig Waters, Commissioning Editor, Global Railway Review
Round-up of the 2008 FERRMED conference which took place on 26 June 2008 and welcomed delegates to Brussels for discussion about the development of rail freight in Europe.
28 May 2008 | By Anita Skauge, Executive Director of Strategic Planning, Jernbaneverket
Freight traffic on Norwegian railways is enjoying strong growth. All the operators on the network are reporting increased demand – signalling the need to run additional and longer freight trains. A few sections are already operating beyond their capacity. Jernbaneverket, the Norwegian National Rail Administration, is responding to this trend…
28 May 2008 | By Josef Bazala, CEO, CD Cargo
The newly-founded, independent organisation, CD Cargo, intends to concentrate on renewing its rolling-stock, supporting the construction of logistics centres and improving the quality of the services it provides to its customers. In an interview for Global Railway Review, Josef Bazala, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director General of…
28 May 2008 | By Jürgen Siegmann, Head, and Helge Stuhr, Research Associate, of the Chair of Track & Railway Operations, Technische Universität Berlin (Berlin Institute of Technology)
This article discusses new technologies, dimensions and production systems for rail freight traffic – based on genuine situations in Germany.
8 April 2008 | By Dr. Klaus Kremper, CEO, Railion Deutschland AG
The strategic focus of DB Schenker is on the creation of end-to-end service offers on the European rail corridors. While the North-South connections have been operating without problems, we have been quite engaged for some time in efforts along the East-West corridor. The acquisitions of EWS, a British rail freight…