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Rail Articles

A stronger European rail freight network

3 December 2008 | By Graham Smith, Planning Director, DB Schenker

EWS, the British rail freight operator, is soon to start trading under the name of DB Schenker. Who? DB Schenker might be a new name to the rail market in Britain, but throughout the mainland European rail network it is a major global logistics player. DB Schenker is number one…

Anticipating ongoing changes

3 December 2008 | By Jean-Pierre Audoux, Director-General, The French Railway Industry Association (FIF)

The French Railway Industry Association (FIF) is deeply rooted in the economic and social history of railways in France. Its parent organisation, the Association of Railway Equipment Manufacturers, created in 1899 on the eve of the universal exhibition in Paris where for the first time it exhibited as such, was…

SNCF Rolling Stock Division seeks to expand

3 December 2008 | By James Abbott, Technical Editor

Long-distance international passenger traffic in Europe will be opened up to competition in 2010. In an interview for the Global Railway Review, Alain Bullot, Director of the SNCF Rolling Stock Division, explains how they are gearing up for the challenge.

European freight Corridors without borders

3 December 2008 | By Jean Faussurier, Head of European and International Affairs Department and Head of Strategic Affairs Department, Réseau Ferré de France (RFF)

Facilitating and encouraging the use of goods trains in Europe is one of the objectives regularly repeated by the European Commission. The situation has never been as favourable to rail transport as it is today yet it is still struggling to outclass road transport in market shares. The Corridor concept…

Boosting railway infrastructure in Bulgaria

3 December 2008 | By Anton Ginev, Director General, National Railway Infrastructure Company, Bulgaria

The task of the modernisation plan of the Railway Infrastructure of Republic of Bulgaria is to develop the advantages of the country cross-road position and its transit potential with an aim to enhance the country’s integration into the European structures and to support the sustainable development of the Southeast Europe…

High-speed set to gather pace in Poland

3 December 2008 | By Cezary Grabarczyk, Minister of Infrastructure, Poland

Although Poland is finding developing high-speed railway lines difficult, the country recognises that by having better transport infrastructure and by having easier ways to move between agglomerations, the quicker its economic development will be.

Comprehensive overhead-line inspection

3 December 2008 | By Uwe Richter, Overhead Contact Line Expert, Eurailscout

How the modern contacting and contactless inspection and analysis of overhead-line systems on normal and high-speed routes are a guarantee of safe railway operation without disturbances.

Contact-free high-speed data transmission

3 December 2008 | By Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Heinz Kraft, University of Applied Sciences, Department of Electrical Engineering, Wolfenbüttel, Germany

This paper deals with a solution to the problem of transmitting on-board information between railway cars connected by means of automatic couplers.

Smarter safety means smarter business

3 December 2008 | By Anson Jack, Director of Policy, Research and Risk, Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB)

How RSSB’s knowledge, analysis, technical expertise and powerful information and risk management tools deliver a unique mix to the industry across a whole range of subject areas.

Neopul’s dedicated work in Ireland

3 December 2008 | By Paulo Real Oliviera, Project Manager, Neopul

Details of how Neopul is actively working on some important projects in Ireland which include the Laois Traincare Depot, the LUAS Red Cow Rail Diversion and the LUAS B1-400 extension.

ERTMS: offering an end-to-end solution to all transport organisations

3 December 2008 | By Robert Sarfati, Director Consultant at SYSTRA, Chairman of the UIC ERTMS/GSM-R Operators Group and Chairman of ETSI Technical Committee for Rail Telecommunications

GSM-R is the bearer for ERTMS/ETCS, the European Train Control System, gradually introducing a true intelligent traffic management system all over the railway lines in Europe. This global system is now extending to several countries worldwide as a recognised operating system.

Banverket seeks investment to cope with growth

27 September 2008 | By James Abbott, Technical Editor

With traffic increasing steadily, Banverket is seeking more money to finance new lines, adding extra capacity and improving maintenance in the Swedish rail system. Over the past decade, rail traffic growth in Sweden has been impressive. Passenger loadings are up by almost three quarters, while freight traffic has grown by…

ERTMS – philosophies with a driver supporting signalling system

27 September 2008 | By Sven-Hakan Nilsson, ERTMS Programme Manager, Banverket

The new European signalling system, ERTMS, will have a big impact on how the driver operates the train. ERTMS is in fact a signalling system that gives possibilities to support the driver in planning and driving of the train. This is a big difference for a lot of countries where…

‘Vision Zero’ and OLA improved level crossings

27 September 2008 | By Olle Mornell, Project Manager of Safety, Operational Department, Swedish Rail Administration (Banverket) and Helena Höök, Quality Controller & Strategist of Traffic Safety, Department of Operational Management, Swedish Road Administration (Vägverket)

Two severe accidents in 2004 and 2005 brought focus on the dangers of level crossings. According to ‘Vision Zero’, fatalities and severe injuries are not acceptable in the transport system. Since level crossings concern many key players, Banverket took the first steps to cooperation and Vägverket provided the OLA working…

Successful completion of Sweden’s biggest ever signal replacement

27 September 2008 | By Helen Hellströmer, Chief Communications Officer Banverket Produktion, Ann Linblad, Journalist/Editor, Banverket Produktion and Henrik Engberg, Communications Consultant, Engberg Information AB

During the Easter period of 2008, Banverket Produktion carried out the biggest ever signal replacement in Sweden and one that could possibly be considered the biggest in the whole of Europe.