The railway system in Germany
26 March 2009 | By Gerald Hörster, President of the Federal Railway Authority (EBA)
Gerald Hörster, President of the Federal Railway Authority (EBA) examines its place within Germany's railway system.
List view / Grid view
26 March 2009 | By Gerald Hörster, President of the Federal Railway Authority (EBA)
Gerald Hörster, President of the Federal Railway Authority (EBA) examines its place within Germany's railway system.
26 March 2009 | By David Coco, Director of Workshop Optimisation, Arriva Deutschland
Arriva Deutschland has an increasingly visible presence on the German rail network with trains travelling millions of kilometres per year and moving tens of thousands of people each day. The unseen driving force behind this success is Arriva's network of rail workshops which ensures our fleets are ready for service…
26 March 2009 | By Werner Hanreich, Head of Permanent Way Diagnostics; Manfred Datler, Technical Manager for Permanent Way Diagnostic Vehicles and Michael Wogowitsch, Technical Manager of Permanent Way Maintenance, ÖBB
Overview of the Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI) relating to the infrastructure subsystem of the trans-European high-speed rail system.
26 March 2009 | By Poul Frøsig, UIC ERTMS/ETCS Project Manager and Global Railway Review Editorial Board Member and Ibrahim Muftic, Signalling & Telecommunication Expert, Railway Design Company in Zagreb
In 1992, the UIC initiated the ETCS project. An EU Transport Conference held in Essen in 1993 and a document published by the Danish transport EU commissioner, was the starting point for considerations on supporting corridors in Central Europe. Mr. Poul Frøsig, the ETCS Project Manager, identified in the Danish…
26 March 2009 | By Morten Søndergaard, Programme Director, Banedanmark
Details of the programme to renew all Danish railway signalling before 2021, focussing on economies of scale and creating a competitive market situation to ensure best price and quality.
26 March 2009 | By Johnny Brevik, ERESS Chairman and Eastern Regional Director for Jernbaneverket
Learn more about the ERESS (European Railway Energy Settlement System) and how it reduces railway energy consumption by up to 15%, strengthening both the environmental profile and competitiveness of the railways.
26 March 2009 | By Wolfgang Tiefensee, German Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs
Wolfgang Tiefensee, German Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, looks at how the rise in road transport has challenged the railways in Germany, and how the balance can be redressed.
26 March 2009 | By Craig Waters, Commissioning Editor, Global Railway Review
Craig Waters highlights the important investments that Deutsche Bahn AG (DB AG) is making to ensure their passenger services are first class.
26 March 2009 | By John Gough, Railway Industry Expert
Rail industry expert John Gough describes the role of DB Netze in the upgrading of the German rail network, despite the challenges of the economic crisis.
26 March 2009 | By Craig Waters, Commissioning Editor, Global Railway Review
Craig Waters provides a round up of the first Iberian Rail Development conference which brought together the industry personnel concerned with the ongoing developments for railway infrastructure and rolling stock in the Iberian region, and the links it has to the rest of Europe.
26 March 2009 | By Gaston Zens, Fleet Manager, CFL cargo
Gaston Zens, Fleet Manager at CFL cargo, describes CFL's pan-European freight operations.
26 March 2009 | By Jürgen Jakob, Director of Marketing & Sales and Heiko Mannsbarth, Chief Engineer & Product Manager for Mainline and Metro Bogies, Business Unit Bogie of Bombardier Transportation
Jürgen Jakob covers the history of Bomardier in the field of high-speed rail, from the first railway vehicle to reach 210lm/h to the present day.
26 March 2009 | By Craig Waters, Global Railway Review
Information about the IAF 2009 exhibition to be held on 21-23 April 2009 in Münster, Germany.
23 January 2009 | By Arjen Zoeteman, Head Technical Advisor of European Rail Infrastructure Managers and Senior Researcher at Delft University of Technology and former Infrastructure Architect at ProRail, Michiel Deerenberg, Sustainability Programme Manager at ProRail and former Programme Manager of the Triple A Strategy, Sjaak Heijstek, Programme Manager of the Triple A Strategy, ProRail and Alfons Schaafsma, R&D Advisor for Traffic Control Management, ProRail
How ProRail is developing a new strategy for achieving a 50% increase in the capacity of the Netherland's rail network.
23 January 2009 | By Anne Hettinga, Managing Director, Arriva Nederland
As Arriva Nederland moves into its 11th year, Managing Director Anne Hettinga reflects on a decade of expansion and delivery for its customers.