
Passenger Connectivity In-Depth Focus 2019

Posted: 21 February 2019 | | No comments yet

There is a window of opportunity for passenger rail services to harness innovations, to ensure travelling by train remains appealing. In this technological age, this means improving mobile repeaters and Wi-Fi solutions onboard trains is a must: passengers are determined to take their digital lives with them when they travel. Read on to find out more…

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    Included in this issue:

    • NOW ARRIVING: The hyper-connected train
      High-speed wireless connectivity and digital services will increase the appeal of rail for travellers. As Patrick Lortie and Sebastian Janssen from consulting firm Oliver Wyman explain, there is a great window of opportunity for passenger rail services to harness innovations and meet travellers’ digital needs.
    • An important part of providing a high-quality travel experience
      Nowadays passengers expect equally good levels of internet network access when onboard a train as they do at home. In Norway this is achieved by delivering a combination of onboard mobile repeaters and Wi-Fi solutions. For Global Railway Review, Øystein Risan, CEO and Linda Marie Venbakken, CFO at Norske tog AS, describe the work involved in deploying connected technology onboard Norway’s rolling stock to ensure passengers’ internet demands are met.
    • Giving passengers more control over their journeys
      Jacqueline Starr, Managing Director of Customer Experience at the Rail Delivery Group (RDG), explores how plans to deploy innovative technology across Britain’s rail industry will aim to give customers more choice, time and freedom about how they travel by rail.

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