
Digitalisation In-Depth Focus 2017

Posted: 13 November 2017 | | No comments yet

The digital age has arrived for the railway industry. The ability to sense demand, measure performance and monitor the health of physical assets can help manage capacity and predict and avoid disruption. Yet this inevitably puts more pressure on the industry to keep up with changes to technology.

Digitalisation in-depth focus 2017
  • Digitalisation and deployment of telematic applications
    Libor Lochman (Executive Director) and Emanuele Mastrodonato (Senior Advisor – Interoperability and Digitalisation) from CER explore how the rail sector must drive forward the implementation of recent technologies to attract customers and make the most of opportunities offered by digital transformation
  • Integrating insights from asset data in fleet maintenance processes
    For Global Railway Review, the asset management organisation team behind Lineas – one of the largest private rail freight operators in Europe – provide details of how usage patterns of locomotives can help to optimise maintenance and how Lineas is equipping its fleet with data and IoT solutiosn to be future-ready.
  • Using big data: There is no time for business as usual
    International Union of Wagon Keepers (UIP) colleagues Gilles Peterhans (Secretary General) and Maria Price (Head of European Policies and Public Affairs) take an in-depth look at the new digital and automation trends impacting wagon keepers and explain how the sector must keep pace with modern-day solutions to deliver more attractive rail freight services.
  • Path Coordination System (PCS): A booking tool for the international railway timetable
    The digitalisation of the railway sector is much talked about right now, but RailNetEurope (RNE) – a Vienna-based umbrella organisation for railway infrastructure managers/allocation bodies – has been promoting digital solutions for over a decade. One such example is PCS – RNE’s international Path Coordination System – and in 2016 a revamped version called PCS Next Generation was released. RNE’s Harald Reisinger (Chief Information Officer) and Máté Bak (Head of PCS) explained to Global Railway Review the ways in which this deployment represents a leap forward for the industry.
  • Digitalisation of railway infrastructure: A programme to strengthen the system competitiveness
    Jochen Holzfeind, CTO of voestalpine VAE, Oliver KraftCEO of voestalpine BWG, and Martin Platzer, Senior Vice President of Marketing at voestalpine Schienen and current Chairman of UNIFE’s Infrastructure Committee, jointly present a view of the future of super-efficient and highly digitalised railway track systems

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