Issue #2 2017 – Digital version
Posted: 20 March 2017 | Global Railway Review | 1 comment
Featuring exclusive articles on High-Speed, Sustainability, Signalling & Telecommunications, Rolling Stock Developments and the latest rail developments in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands…

- FOREWORD: Meeting the challenges of a more standardised railway
Poul Frøsig, former UIC ERTMS/ETCS Project Manager - BELGIUM: Infrabel is digitalising the Belgian railway network to secure the future of rail
Luc Lallemand, CEO, Infrabel - NETHERLANDS: Making ProRail more sustainable
Karen te Boome, Manager – Environment & Sustainability, ProRail - UK: Lessons of liberalisation: How do Britain’s railways really compare with others in Europe?
Elizabeth de Jong, Director of Policy, Rail Delivery Group (RDG)
An interview with Richard McClean, Managing Director, Grand Central Railway
- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Bringing high-speed rail to America
Andy Kunz, President & CEO, US High Speed Rail Association (USHSR)
- IN-DEPTH FOCUS: Signalling & Telecommunications
- EVENT PREVIEW: Scandinavian Rail Development 2017
- SUSTAINABILITY: Building London’s new east-to-west railway sustainably
Rob Paris, Head of Sustainability & Consents, Crossrail
- EVENT PREVIEW: Railtex 2017
- IN-DEPTH FOCUS: Rolling Stock Developments
- REGULATION & LEGISLATION: After 10 years, IRIS enters a new phase
Angela de Heymer, IRIS Senior Manager, UNIFE
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