Track Systems supplement
Posted: 7 April 2015 | Global Railway Review | 3 comments
In our latest free-to-view Track Systems Supplement, Chris Eady from the Institute of Rail Welding explains the topic of broken rails and rolling contact fatigue, plus experts from Graz University cover the challenges in railway asset management in order to implement a preventive, condition-based maintenance and renewal strategy…

- From track data to asset management
Due to cost pressure, infrastructure managers are forced to work sustainably and efficiently. Hence, track engineers face increasing difficulty to legitimate necessary measures. Often short-term cost reductions are achieved by reducing maintenance but the consequences are irreparable damages of track quality and a non-sustainable exploitation of service life. This danger can be avoided with reactive rather than preventive maintenance, which allows for a prediction of maintenance and track renewal amounts for upcoming years. Consequently, a proper condition-based budget for distribution planning can be established. This type of asset management is valuable for in-house as well as outsourced maintenance execution. In order to achieve these goals, the current conditions of the assets, as well as their development over time, have to be considered. Hence, one of the main challenges in railway asset management is to quantify measurement signals in order to implement a preventive, condition-based maintenance and renewal strategy. Matthias Landgraf, Scientific Research Associate at the Institute of Railway Engineering and Transport Economy at Graz University, explains further… - Broken rails …broken record
Chris Eady, Executive Director of the Institute of Rail Welding, takes a look at the topic of broken rails and rolling contact fatigue and, with quotes from Track Engineer Brian Whitney at Network Rail, explains why it is necessary to repeat the importance of rail integrity management.
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Congratulation about the article “From track data to asset management”. I agree that the track has to be measured, inspected and monitored frequently however this cause a big amount of data. Because of that or representative, Mermec Group, developed several years ago a Tool called RAMSYS for help the engineers with the analysis, cross the datas of different systems and also make the future plan of the infrastructre maintenance and/or renewal. The RAMSYS is already in the Market, tested and used for several companies around the world. For more information, pls see
Thanks 🙂
Be great to see the full review thanks