Level Crossing Safety supplement
Posted: 6 August 2014 | Global Railway Review | 2 comments
In our latest free-to-view Level Crossing Safety Supplement, we invite experts from Bulgaria, Portugal and Ireland to showcase how their country is actively working to reduce the number of fatalities at level crossings…

- Bulgaria works hard to reduce level crossing fatalities
Biser Minchev, Chief Safety Inspector for the NRIC reveals how the company is implementing strategies and technologies to reduce the number of fatalities that occur at level crossings in Bulgaria. - Achieving impressive safety records in Portugal
Paulo Soares de Melo, Head of the Level Crossings Department at REFER, explains the work the Portuguese railway infrastructure manager
is doing to reduce the number of crossings on its network and reduce the number of fatalities. - Passive level crossings on public and private roads – managing a historic anomaly
Railway level crossings in Ireland are managed by Iarnród Éireann – Irish Rail, the national railway infrastructure manager, and supervised by the Railway Safety Commission, the national safety and regulatory authority. Both organisations work closely with one another to advance railway safety, which they recognise as a common goal. Donal Casey, Principal Inspector in the Railway Safety Commission provides further details.
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At present IDOM is designing some level crossings. The signalling department is interesting in information about level crossing protection: barriers, interlocking, etc.
Dear Joaquín, I would like to inform you that MERMEC has developed together with an important European Railways a Level Crossing Obstacle Detection System that performs the automatic detection of obstacles at level crossings preventing accidents to incoming trains. The system can be installed on new or exhisting Level Crossing and it is SIL4 compliant with the standards EN 50126, EN 50128 and EN 50129 on functional safety of railway technology.
The detection is made through one or more sensing units depending on the size of level crossing.
A wayside control unit collects the information received by the sensing units and generates alarms based on high-level thresholds (minimum obstacle dimensions). The control unit is able to integrate with the traditional level crossing protection system with complete barriers and drives and to communicate with the Interlocking System through safe interfaces.
Please let me know if you need any additional information.