
Global Railway Review unveils all-star Editorial Council to chart course for 2025

Get ready for a new era of rail industry insight! Global Railway Review is thrilled to announce the formation of its dynamic new Editorial Council, a powerhouse of expertise assembled by Editor Elizabeth Jordan to guide the publication into 2025 and beyond.

This isn’t just a council; it’s a think tank, a collective of the brightest minds in global rail, ready to tackle the industry’s most pressing issues.

This exceptional group will lend their considerable experience to shape the editorial direction of both the print magazine and online platform, ensuring Global Railway Review remains at the forefront of industry discourse. Meet the game-changers:


Jim Mathews (NARP): As President and CEO of Rail Passengers Association, Jim powerful voice for rail passengers, bringing invaluable insights into the needs and expectations of the traveling public.

dimitriDimitri van Zantvliet (NS): With a deep understanding of cyber security and strategy, Dimitri offers a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing rail operators from his position as Cyber Director and CISO at Dutch Railways.

RIADarren Caplan (RIA): As the Chief Executive at the Rail Industry Association, Darren represents the voice of the rail supply industry in the UK. 

NSARNeil Robertson (NSAR): Neil’s expertise in skills development and innovation as Chief Executive of the National Skills Academy for Rail will ensure Global Railway Review stays ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving industry.

CharlotteCharlotte Moss (United Nations Association of Australia): Charlotte is the Human Rights Convenor and Superintendent Delivery Rail Systems, bringing a crucial global perspective, connecting the rail industry to broader sustainability, human rights and development goals.

PCPaul Comfort (Industry Influencer): A true visionary, Paul’s finger is firmly on the pulse of technological advancements and their impact on the future of rail.


Enno Wiebe (UNIFE): Representing the manufacturing heart of the rail sector, Enno brings invaluable knowledge of the latest technologies and market trends.

This impressive roster promises to deliver unparalleled insight and analysis. The Global Railway Review Editorial Council is poised to shape the conversation, inform the industry, and drive the future of rail. Prepare for a journey of knowledge!

Read our Editorial Council’s first official feature in our Spring/ Summer Issue, released in print and online this April.