
CROSSING BORDERS: The Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link

Posted: 23 May 2013 | | No comments yet

The Fehmarnbelt Tunnel will connect Denmark and Germany with a two-track railway and a four-lane motorway underneath the Fehmarnbelt. With a total length of approximately 18km, it will be the world’s longest immersed tunnel for combined rail and road traffic and will help bring people, businesses and culture in the Fehmarnbelt Region and Europe closer together.

The Fehmarnbelt Tunnel will connect Denmark and Germany with a two-track railway and a four-lane motorway underneath the Fehmarnbelt. With a total length of approximately 18km, it will be the world’s longest immersed tunnel for combined rail and road traffic and will help bring people, businesses and culture in the Fehmarnbelt Region and Europe closer together.

The Fehmarnbelt Tunnel will connect Denmark and Germany with a two-track railway and a four-lane motorway underneath the Fehmarnbelt. With a total length of approximately 18km, it will be the world’s longest immersed tunnel for combined rail and road traffic and will help bring people, businesses and culture in the Fehmarnbelt Region and Europe closer together.

Based on the 2008 state treaty between Denmark and Germany, the tunnel will run between the Danish island of Lolland and the German island of Fehmarn. Femern A/S, the Danish state-owned planning company of the project, is currently finalising the plan approval documents in order to begin both the Danish and German project approval processes in 2013. In addition, Femern A/S is evaluating applications of 24 different construction companies – having formed nine consortia – for prequalification. The prequalified consortia will be invited to submit bids for the four main civil engineering contracts of the project with construction scheduled to start as early as mid- 2015 and the opening of the tunnel expected to take place at the end of 2021.

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