In-Depth Focus: Managing Operational Complexities
26 May 2023
Now more than ever, rail needs to win back the trust of passengers and improve rail freight reliability. The pressure is on for train operators and infrastructure managers to manage their vehicles/crew, network services and timetable data in more efficient ways than ever before. Getting it right means safer and higher performing services that can respond to changes more quickly, resulting in less disruption and more organised rail networks. This In-Depth Focus brings together experts from ScotRail, Irish Rail and DB Cargo UK to acknowledge and address operational challenges, how best to overcome complex issues and to examine how having the ability to make fully informed decisions can deliver improved operations.

- Challenging the norm: DB Cargo UK’s Solutions Design team
Economic and political challenges combined with a fixed asset base and a changing customer demand, creates an environment for planning and operational complexities. In 2022, the DB Cargo UK board invested in a new team, Solutions Design. The core focus for the team is to implement resource optimisation and deliver capacity for growth, helping to deliver more freight on rail. Rosemary Aldous, Lead Solutions Design Manager at DB Cargo UK, explains more.
- Keeping services going throughout the difficulties of COVID-19
David Simpson, ScotRail’s Service Delivery Director, details the key operational challenges that came with the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and explains how ScotRail is navigating the road to recovery.
- Upgrading systems to provide greater levels of capacity and resilience
Billy Gilpin, Director, Railway Undertaking at Irish Rail, details the work Ireland’s operator is doing to develop and implement strategies that deliver higher performance, including operational delivery, service planning, fleet maintenance and support, and how best to deal with complex operational issues.