In-Depth Focus: Preparing for Winter
16 December 2022
The winter months can be very challenging for railways; sharp drops in temperatures and harsh weather events can threaten major disruption to services. But as the articles in this In-Depth Focus explain, by putting in place robust preparation plans and coherent and consistent strategies, network disturbance can be kept to a minimum to ensure passengers and freight move safely and efficiently.

- Meeting the challenge of winter head on
This article outlines the challenges that the Canadian National Railway Company (CN) faces when operating during harsh winter conditions and summarises the railroad’s 2022-2023 Winter Plan and the actions and innovations it deploys to ensure it meets the needs of customers and stakeholders.
- A strategic and cross-industry approach for tackling winter weather
In an interview for Global Railway Review, MTR Elizabeth line’s Head of Performance and Operations Delivery, James Linley, explains the approach it takes in managing the challenges that winter weather brings and how the company ensures customer and workforce safety is combined with delivering effective operations.
- How the HS1 system gets ‘winter-ready’
Richard Thorp, Director of Engineering and Sustainability at HS1 Ltd, and Charlie Usher, Engineering and Safety Director at Network Rail High Speed, Southern Region, detail the reasons as to why the HS1 line is so effective at dealing with adverse weather conditions.