Track Systems & Infrastructure In-Depth Focus 2017
Posted: 11 May 2017 | Global Railway Review | 1 comment
In this in-depth focus: Condition Based Maintenance during revenue operations; Smart Investments; Digital & geoinformation technology; use of high-strength steel; and a roundtable with industry experts…

- ABA measurements: Monitoring of Condition Based Maintenance during revenue operations: Rolf Dollevoet, Alfredo Núñez and Zili Li, Professors, Section of Railway Engineering, Delft University of Technology
- Holistic view of lifecycle costs makes for smart investments: Sebastian Meyer, Head – Asset and Turnout Service Unit, Vossloh Rail Services and Nicole Wiethoff, Vice President – System Technology, Vossloh Fastening Systems
- Digital and geoinformation technologies in the development of Russian railway infrastructure: Alexander Misharin, First Vice President, JSC Russian Railways and Igor Rozenberg, Director General, JSC NIIAS
- The potential use of high-strength steel grades: Albert Jörg, Head – Product Management and Rainer Hochfellner, Deputy Head – Product Management, voestalpine Schienen
- Roundtable: With industry expert participants
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having raised £6.7bn for rd rail lower thames crossing we are seeking a further £15bn for surrounding rd rail upgrade links to ports and network to address pinchpoints to enable high volumes of railfreight uptake. discussions with key parties progressing. discuss further thank you. peter mcbeath