
Roundtable: Training and New Talent

Attracting, developing and retaining talented people in the Rail Industry seems to be a perennially debated topic. It’s sometimes hard to know if enough is being done, or not. And this isn’t a single point issue – if we are talking about careers then we need to look across the entire lifecycle from attracting school leavers and graduates, right through to educating the leaders of tomorrow who will drive change and improvement.

GRR Issue 2 2024 - Roundtable

This Roundtable Feature aims to highlight the great work going on across all levels in this chain already and to try to show how we can link together to better effect, and indeed to spot any gaps and areas for improvement.

Moderator: Professor Richard Jones, Strategic Development Partner, BCRRE, University of Birmingham


  • Nasir Khan MBE, Principle at HKA Construction, Chair (Liability Panel) of the Construction Industry Council
  • Rob Forde, Director of Strategy and Skills at GCRE
  • Nina Lockwood, CEO of Intuitive Talent Solutions
  • Neil Robertson, Chief Executive of the National Skills Academy for Rail (NSAR)
  • Dr Holly Foss, Senior Lecturer in Railway Systems Education & Director of Education at Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education