Signalling & Telecoms Supplement 2012 (free to view)
In this supplement: Infrabel installing ETCS step-by-step on Belgian railway network (Luc Lallemand, CEO of Infrabel); Railway telecommunications and traffic safety (José Pestana Neves, Adviser to the Board of Directors, Refer Telecom and Member of the UIC European Radio Implementation Group (ERIG))…
This free to view Signalling & Telecommunications supplement is sponsored by Alcatel-Lucent, Keymile, Kapsch, DeltaRail and Syrtem:
- Infrabel installing ETCS step-by-step on Belgian railway network
Luc Lallemand, CEO of Infrabel
- Railway telecommunications and traffic safety
José Pestana Neves, Adviser to the Board of Directors, Refer Telecom and Member of the UIC European Radio Implementation Group (ERIG)
The rest of this supplement is restricted - login or subscribe free to access
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